+387 63 400 260 info@herzegovinabike.ba BECOME A MEMBER/PARTNER
+387 63 400 260 info@herzegovinabike.ba BECOME A MEMBER/PARTNER


New trails, tourism, cycling, cycle tourism...all in one place

The anniversary of the last passage of Ćiro through Čapljina

Sjećanje na uskotračnu prugu koja je povezivala Hercegovinu s EuropomNa današnji dan, 6. studenog 1966., kroz Čapljinu je prošao posljednji Ćiro, legendarni uskotračni vlak koji je desetljećima predstavljao simbol povezanosti,...

HerzegovinaBike in cooperation with KAYAK promotes Herzegovina as a cycling destination

Association HerzegovinaBike is proud to announce a new collaboration with the global leader in travel search, KAYAK. This strategic agreement represents a significant step in the promotion of Herzegovina as an attractive destination for cycle tourism and contributes...

UCI Congress in Zurich: A significant step forward for the future of BiH cycling

Predsjednik Biciklističkog saveza Bosne i Hercegovine (BiSaBiH)  boravio u Zürichu, Švicarska, gdje je sudjelovao na 193 zasjedanju UCI kongresa, koji okuplja vodeće svjetske stručnjake i lidere u biciklizmu. Ovaj kongres...

New cycling route in the vicinity of Mostar: Graveyard of peace and wild horses on Bili

"Work, desire and passion is all that is needed to create new cycling routes and present Herzegovina as an excellent cycle tourism destination," said the association HerzegovinaBike. Peace Cemetery and Wild Horses...

Cyclists promoted the cultural and historical heritage of Herzegovina

Saturday; 21.09.2024. - Today, the Ćiro Heritage bicycle race was held, which was postponed last weekend due to bad weather. The participants were greeted by sunny and beautiful weather, which further enhanced the route which...

4. Mostar Bicycling - Promotion of health and safer streets

The Mostar Bicycle Club, in cooperation with the HerzegovinaBike Association and the Sports Association of the City of Mostar, announces the 4th Mostar Bicycle Race, which will take place on Sunday, September 22, 2024. year, on the occasion of Car Free Day. This...

HerzegovinaBike presents two new cycling routes

Association HerzegovinaBike presented two new cycling routes, which are the result of many years of work and careful consideration of how to best present the cycle tourism offer of Herzegovina and our country as a desirable destination for outdoor activities.

The Electoral Assembly of the Cycling Federation of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was held in Mostar

On Saturday, September 7, 2024, in the premises of the Visitor Center on Buna, the Electoral Assembly of the Cycling Federation of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was held. This important event brought together representatives of cycling clubs from the entire Federation, who made some important decisions about the future work and development of cycling in this entity.

Herzegovina Classic ITT: State Championship held in Mostar

On Sunday, September 7, 2024, Mostar hosted the State Championship of Bosnia and Herzegovina in individual time trial – Herzegovina Classic ITT. This prestigious sports event, organized in cooperation with the HerzegovinaBike Association, the Mostar Cycling Club and the Bicycling Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina, attracted numerous professional cyclists.
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