+387 63 400 260 info@herzegovinabike.ba BECOME A MEMBER/PARTNER
+387 63 400 260 info@herzegovinabike.ba BECOME A MEMBER/PARTNER


New trails, tourism, cycling, cycle tourism...all in one place

Herzegovina Becomes a Recognized Destination for International Cycling

Hercegovina sve više zauzima svoje mjesto na globalnoj biciklističkoj karti! Nakon što je Blidinje BIKE Festival već stekao status prestižne međunarodne biciklističke utrke pod okriljem Međunarodne biciklističke unije (UCI), s...


The Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival organizing team is proud to announce that the official and final date for this year's festival has been confirmed. After various challenges and previous date changes, we would like to sincerely apologize...

Young Cycling Coach from Travnik, Marko Martinović, Invited to Prestigious Training at the World Cycling Centre

A young cycling coach from Travnik, Marko Martinović, was invited for the first time to the World Cycling Centre (WCC) in Aigle, Switzerland, for a prestigious training course for UCI licensed...

9 thrilling adventures you must try in Herzegovina

Situated at the crossroads of the Mediterranean and continental Europe, Herzegovina is a region that enchants with its untouched nature, rich history and hospitable people. Here, sky and earth merge in a vibrant play of light...

Celebrating "Winter Bike to Work Day"

Winter Cycling to Work - a joint initiative of the HerzegovinaBike association and the Bicyclists' UnionOn Friday, February 14th, we celebrate Winter Cycling to Work Day! This year, the initiative is jointly organized by the HerzegovinaBike association in Bosnia...

Registrations Open for the 13th Friendship Cycling Caravan Mostar – Vukovar

The Association for the Promotion of Cycling "Herzegovina Bicikl", in cooperation with the Sports Association of the City of Mostar and several cycling clubs from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, is organizing the 13th edition of the Mostar - Vukovar Bicycle Caravan of Friendship,...

Herzegovinian Cycling Clubs Unite for the Development of Sports and Tourism

On Saturday, February 1, 2025, a meeting of cycling clubs of Herzegovina was held at the Buna Visitor Center, attended by representatives of clubs from across the region. For the second year in a row, cycling...

Bosnia and Herzegovina to Host the Balkan Mountain Bike Championship Again

At this year's Electoral Assembly of the Balkan Cycling Union (BCU), which was held in Tirana, the capital of Albania, a decision of importance for the sports and tourism promotion of Bosnia and Herzegovina was made. After...

The Tourist Board of the City of Mostar is a Proud Partner of the HerzegovinaBike Association

We are proud to announce that the Tourist Board of the City of Mostar has become an official partner of the HerzegovinaBike Association for the year 2025, which ensures strong support for the development and promotion of cycle tourism in the City...
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