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📸 Foto. Perica Biško

Herzegovina region

In it, like nowhere else, the sky and the earth touch, creating a bright light of unusual colors, which makes the area almost mystical. Thanks to its natural beauty, pleasant climate, abundance of sun and water, it is considered one of the most desirable regions of Southeastern Europe.

Njezini pejzaži neodoljivo podsjećaju na hrvatsku Istru ili francusku Provansu. Po načinu života vrlo je slična susjednoj Dalmaciji. Mnogo toga podsjetit će vas i na ostale mediteranske krajeve – od Španjolske do Grčke“.

Ali ona je opet drugačija, jedinstvena i neponovljiva jer ju je Bog obdario tolikom raznolikošću kakvu je teško susresti na tako malom prostoru. Mnogi je doživljavaju kao zemlju kamena i sunca, rijeka, vinograda, smokava i duhana, pršuta i meda… Na nju podsjeća miris ljekovitog bilja i pjesma zrikavaca, okus janjenćeg mesa i planinskog sira. Nju zapljuskuje Jadransko more i biju vjetrovi s bosanskih planina. U njoj se, kao nigdje drugdje, dodiruju nebo i zemlja stvarajući jarku svjetlost neobičnih boja, koja taj kraj čini gotovo mističnim.

Zahvaljujući njezinim prirodnim ljepotama, ugodnoj klimi, obilju sunca i vode, ubraja se u jednu od najpoželjnijih regija jugoistočne Europe. Vjerojatno je zato mnogi nazivaju i njezinom Kalifornijom. “

"Herzegovina, the land of light" (Pervan, Skoko, Ljubičić)

An inspiring tourist paradise

Herzegovina is a historical/historical and geographical/geographical region in the southern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina which was formerly called Humska zemlja, Zahumlje or Hum. Its total area is close to 10,000 km2. According to the 1991 census, Herzegovina has 437,000 inhabitants.

As a natural region, it consists of two micro-regions: low (coastal or Adriatic) and high (upper or mountainous) Herzegovina. High Herzegovina includes the basin of the upper and middle reaches of the Neretva, a significant part of the Dinaric area, the mountains Velež, Volujak, Prenj, Čvrsnica and Crvanj, and the famous Nevesinjska and Gatačka karst fields. Low or Adriatic Herzegovina extends around the lower reaches of the Neretva River and in the basins of the Bregava and Trebižat rivers. It includes the large Popovo polje, the Mostar polje and the basin, and the Trebinje polje.

With its sub-Mediterranean and Mediterranean climate, Herzegovina belongs to the regions where Mediterranean fruits and vegetables thrive. Many call it the "California" of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Vines, figs, peaches, tangerines, apples, pomegranates, olives and other varieties thrive here, as well as medicinal herbs such as sage, yarrow, immortelle, etc.

📸 Foto: Denis Luburić

Precisely because of this mild climate, Herzegovina is the largest and only producer of grapes and wine in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Two autochthonous varieties, Žilavka and Blatina, have long been established here and give a yield and quality like nowhere else. Herzegovina is the land of sun and stone, and its glades and valleys are covered with low and high vegetation such as bramble, oak, ash, chub, spruce and pine. To every passer-by, this environment offers unforgettable views and atmosphere for the eye and soul.

Kao povijesna/historijska regija, Hercegovina nudi puno povijesnih/historijskih lokaliteta kao što je Stari Grad u Mostaru, Počitelj, Blagaj, Mogorjelo, Radimlja, Ljubuška tvrđava itd. U hercegovačkim muzejima su sačuvani nalazi i iskopine iz daleke povijesti/historije. Upravo zbog toga, Hercegovina svakom gostu nudi «šetnju» kroz vrijeme.

Mostar is its capital and together with Međugorje - the pilgrimage center, Neuma - the center of summer - spa tourism and other attractions, represents one of the most desirable regions in Southeastern Europe.

🎥 Video: Kem Rogue

They wrote about us 📝

In 2017, the British media "The Guardian" published an article about the Ćiro trail from Mostar to Dubrovnik 👉 LINK.

In 2017, a New York Times magazine journalist cycled the Ćiro trail from Mostar to Dubrovnik and published an article after his cycle trip 👉 LINK.

Lonely Planet ranks Herzegovina and the Ciro trail among the top 4 world destinations 👉 LINK.

National Geographic published an article about 6 unforgettable tours in Herzegovina 👉 LINK.

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