Neum is a town, a tourist settlement and the only municipal center on the Adriatic coast, located on the indented coastline along the main road between Dubrovnik (70 km) and Makarska (80 km).

The Mediterranean climate with plenty of sunny days throughout the year makes it an attractive tourist destination throughout the year. Fresh sea air, coastal walks, night entertainment and water sports will make a visit to Neum an unforgettable experience. Autochthonous Herzegovinian cuisine and various seafood, fish, crab and shellfish specialties are only a small part of the hotel's rich gastronomic offer, as well as that of other family hotels and motels. The hinterland of Neuma, with its abundance of olive groves and vineyards, is an ideal place for lovers of agrotourism.

U ljetnom periodu organizira se niz kulturnih, zabavnih, i športskih manifestacija pod nazivom “Neumsko ljeto”. Tu je moderan sportski centar, pogodan za pripreme nogometnih ekipa u zimskom periodu. U ovom gradu vrlo je aktivan i Muzej/Galerija s brojnim slikama.

Želite li doživjeti Neum iz prve ruke, uživati u zapanjujućoj arhitekturi, slikovitim pogledima na izvorište Jadranskog mora i naučiti sve o njegovoj bogatoj povijesti? Kontaktirajte naše partnere – ERO Travel Tour Agency.
ERO Travel teamprofessionals will create a trip according to your preferences.