Biciklijada: UNESCO Heritage (Čapljina – Stolac)
Association "HerzegovinaBike" announces biciklijadu “UNESCO Heritage (Čapljina – Stolac)” koja će se održati u Nedjelju 14.09.2025. sa početkom u 10:00h ispred hotela President u Čapljini.
The Ciro Trail event is realized with the financial support of: City of Stolac, Nekropola Radimlja, tvrtke HT Eronet, Continental Tires, Turističke Zajednice HNŽ/K, Škoda Apolo, agencije REDAH and Capriolo SC Mostar , a u cilju promocije „Južne Hercegovine i rute UNESCO Heritage“.
- Datum: 14.09.2025.
- Departure time: 10:00 am
- Track length: 60 km
- Organizer: Association HerzegovinaBike
- Tel. +38763400260
- e-mail: info@herzegovinabike.ba
- web: www.herzegovinabike.ba
- Facebook event: HERE
𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐣𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐧𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤: Uskoro…
UNESCO Heritage biciklijada u 2025 godini vodi nas od Čapljine do grada Stoca, stazom u dužini od 30km u jednom pravcu, dok ćemo u oba pravca nakupiti ćemo nekih 60km. Biciklirati ćemo se asvaltiranim dionicama prema Stocu na kojim gotovo i nema prometa i nalazimo je idealnom za bicikliranje. Također, u pratnji ćemo imati vozilo kombi sa namirnicama i vodom, a svima kojima bicikliranje u oba pravca bude previše, postoji opcija da Vas poslije obilaska Stoca sa kombijem prebacimo do vaših vozila u Čapljini (broj mjesta za prijevoz je ograničen).
Staza je atraktivna i životopisna sa prelijepim krajolicima i asvaltiranom podlogom, tako da je pogodna za sve vrste bicikala. Kao što smo kazali ovo jedna jako lijepa dionica, gdje se vozimo kroz ruralne krajeve obilazeći sela na dionici od Čapljine do Stoca. Biciklijadu završavamo u Stocu, sa obilaskom nekropole stećaka Radimlja i Starog grada Vidoški, a domaćini su za sve sudionike osigurali i okrijepu zbog čega su nam i potrebne Vaše prijave kako bi smo znali na koliko ljudi trebamo računati za obroke.
Povratak prema Čapljini, mjestu starta biciklijade je individualan ili grupni, odnosno po osobnim preferencijama, jer se vraćamo istim putem kojim smo došli.

The bike ride starts in front of the President Hotel in Čapljina (LINK LOKACIJE STARTA), where all participants have a large parking lot at their disposal and can park their vehicles and drink coffee in a local cafe before the start of our bike ride. The start of the bike ride and the beginning of our socializing is planned for 10:00 a.m., and the bike ride goes along the road that leads to Počitelj (towards Domanovići) and on to Stolac, it is currently free of traffic and we find it ideal for cycling. It is important to mention that the section is attractive, it contains several shorter climbs, but again it is not too demanding, and all participants will have a van to accompany them in case they feel too much cycling. There is also an option for a van to transport those who find 60 km too much cycling to transfer from Stolac to Čapljina, where their vehicles are parked. The participants of the cycling event will also have at their disposal 10 volunteers, experienced cyclists who will take care of the safety of all participants during cycling and take care of any unforeseen situation, and remove it as soon as possible.
The entire route is paved with asphalt (mild macadam in a few places) on which, in addition to the MTB bike, you can also ride a trekking or road bike. The driving pace is easy and suitable for most participants.
Volunteers, a service vehicle, photos and video from the bike ride are available to all participants, and they are provided with: refreshments, water and first aid in the service vehicle...
Track available at the link : https://www.alltrails.com/explore/map/ciro-heritage-mtb-trail-5bce843?u=m&sh=0zvzk1
PLEASE NOTE: The dates of the event are created at the beginning of the year and are of a tentative nature, and depend on several aspects, such as the weather forecast, the calendar of events in the area, etc. We confirm the exact date of the event one month before it takes place, and we create Facebook events and send notifications to all interested participants. Thank you for understanding.