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Croatian home of Herceg Stjepan Kosača

The institution Hrvatska kuća Herceg Stjepan Kosač, as the legal successor of the former House of Culture, was founded as a public company in 1994. Work on the building itself began in 1959, and construction material prepared for the construction of the building was used. cathedral church. The designer of the building is Reuf Kadić from Sarajevo.

Today, the complex consists of several halls of different purposes, the largest concert hall with 726 seats and accompanying facilities, then the art gallery of Queen Katarina Kosača and finally a small hall - an amphitheater with 120 seats for seminars, presentations or book promotions. The main activities are the space for the organization of cultural, concert or theater events, film screenings and various artistic and literary works, as well as reproduction performances.

Would you like to experience first-hand the Croatian House of Herceg Stjepan Kosača, enjoy the stunning architecture, picturesque views of the city of Mostar and learn all about its rich history? Contact our partners - ERO Travel Tour Agency.

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They wrote about us 📝

In 2017, the British media "The Guardian" published an article about the Ćiro trail from Mostar to Dubrovnik 👉 LINK.

In 2017, a New York Times magazine journalist cycled the Ćiro trail from Mostar to Dubrovnik and published an article after his cycle trip 👉 LINK.

Lonely Planet ranks Herzegovina and the Ciro trail among the top 4 world destinations 👉 LINK.

National Geographic published an article about 6 unforgettable tours in Herzegovina 👉 LINK.

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